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Termites, also generally known as white ants, damage valuable resources, papers, furniture, and furnishing; anything that holds cellulose. They do this quietly and quickly, even before you become aware of the damage caused. Termites swarm and grow underground, in the clay. They crawl up through the minute holes and cracks in the basement and the walls of your house.
As they move forward, they create mud tunnels to give themselves with darkness and larger humidity, which they require to survive. When you see such marks on your walls it is a sign that your house is under attack from termites.
Paramount Pest Consultants gives the Termite control services in Pune. Paramount Pest Consultant is the leading pest management organization since the year 1981 all over the country for all types of Pest Management Practices. We are having the Executive Membership of PEST MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (INDIA) and actively participating with all the educative training programmes on various themes all over the country as well as we are ion constantly in interaction with the most famous scientist in India for improving the knowledge and information in our area.
We offer the best programs for Termite Management, Termite Control Services in Pune and provide repeat applications for the total destruction of living Termite as well as build a chemical stop to restrict the purposed re-entry of termite.
Pre-Construction Termite Management Practices
Post-Construction Termite Management Practices
Wood Preservation