Educational Activity
On the subject of Termite Management, our director, Mr. Sarang Savalekar in Pune have been succeeded in achieving the degree of Ph.D. he Title of the research is “Rules for Termite Management Techniques in Advance Constructional Practices with reference to Label and Labeling of Termiticides”.
The research is supported by two expert guides i.e. Dr. N. S. Rathore (Rtd. Dy. Dir. Z.S.I. Jodhpur) and Dr. Geeta Shrivatsava (Principal MGM Law College, Nerul). Mr. Sarang Savalekar in Pune has a vast experience in this field.
• Training programme for own staff.
• Awareness programme for clients.
• Awareness programme for Educational Institutions.
• Research and Development of Pest Management Techniques.
• IPM (Integrated Pest Management).